Quirky-Marketing is About

Quirky Marketing
Quirky Marketing

Quirky marketing is about radical marketing. It is about out of the box thinking and embracing your quirky (your authentic self) in your life and business, to get results.

By embracing your quirky personality and incorporating that into your online endeavours and social media profiles, people can see the ‘real’ you and are more likely to buy into you as a person, and therefore more likely to buy your products and services.

By embracing your quirky, you are far more likely to stand out from the crowd and have people being drawn to you. As today’s society is all about pull marketing instead of push marketing, it is essential to build a rapport by being yourself in order engage in conversations and build trust. You need to ‘show’ your clients and customers, what you are about, what you stand for and what value you can add to their life, without forcing it upon them.

Quirky-Marketing mixes your business with your pleasure:

From a young age, many of us are lead to believe that it is wrong to mix business with pleasure, but if you don’t do that, how can you enjoy what you do? Quirky-Marketing is about mixing your business with your pleasure. It is about being your authentic self in your life and incorporating what you like, what you love and what you are passionate about, into your business, to give you that authentic, real, raw, and unique edge.

Quirky Training:

Quirky-Marketing is incorporated into Quirky Training business courses, classes and workshops. Quirky Training produces courses for Quirky Academy and Blog Trainer UK, which form part of Sandra Bellamy‘s World Of Quirky organisation.

Quirky Academy and Quirky-Books:

Quirky Academy, in Association with Quirky-Books, provides a range of products and services for your personal and professional development.

If you have been made redundant, you are job-seeking, or looking to change career for whatever reason, Sandra Bellamy has published a book on Amazon called Break Through The Barriers Of Redundancy To Get Back Into Work – An A-Z ‘How To’ Guide.

Break Through The Barriers Of Redundancy Book
Break Through The Barriers Of Redundancy Book

This book is a complete A-Z system for getting back into work; and a comprehensive guide about how you can recover from the devastating effects of redundancy, and seize this moment as an opportunity to fulfil your dreams.

This book covers 26 aspects of redundancy and provides you with 80 benefits. Within the pages of this book, you will learn about how to market yourself effectively as a job-seeker, both online via social media and at offline networking events, to win your way back into employment. Read chapters M is for Marketing and N is for Networking.

Each of the chapters is broken down into ‘5 components of redundancy’. You need to master all components in order to give you the best chance of success at getting back into work. Because this book takes a holistic view of redundancy, it will revolutionise the way you think about redundancy, job-seeking and life in general. 

This book is different because it does not just focus on one element of redundancy, but on the many barriers you need to conquer if you are to successfully get back into work. In this book, I show you how to deal with the inner trauma and turmoil of being made redundant such as grief and depression; before focusing on the practical elements such as job-hunting, CV and cover letter writing; and dealing with tough interview questions, so you can make an informed choice about which future path you should take.

The 5 components of redundancy are:

  1. The inner elements (Care for the inner you)


  • A is for Antidote to beat redundancy blues
  • F is for Fun
  • L is for Love Yourself
  • R is for Rejuvenate,
  • Z is for Zebra

Mindset and attitude:

  • J is for Job-hunting
  • K is for Keep
  • P is for Persistence
  1. Practicalities:
  • B is for Breathing Space
  • H is for Help
  • I is for Interview
  • Q is for Quit your job
  • V is for Voluntary Work
  • W is for Work Experience
  1. Exploring options:
  • D is for Dream Job
  • O is for Opportunities
  • S is for Self-employment
  1. Outer elements (How others perceive you):
  • C is for Confidence
  • E is for Express Yourself Clearly
  • G is for Great Customer Service begins at home
  • M is for Marketing
  • N is for Networking
  • U is for Unquestionable
  1. Persuasion Skills – An irresistible offer:
  • T is for Transferable Skills
  • X is for X-Ray (Xtra Reasons to Appoint You)
  • Y is for Yes

Focusing on wellbeing skills first, is essential in getting you successfully back into work. So for example, if you have job skills, but not the confidence to project that to recruiters in an interview, you are not going to get the job. Confidence is achieved by learning to love yourself for who you are and believing in yourself, when others don’t. I show you how to love yourself and project confidence to recruiters to get that job.

Break Through The Barriers Of Redundancy Book Blurb
Break Through The Barriers Of Redundancy Book Blurb

Buy it on Amazon UK:


Buy it on Amazon USA:


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